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学名:Lingulatus pingbian
Male: total length 2.88, carapace 1.47 long, 1.25 wide; abdomen 1.41 long, 0.96 wide. Carapace nearly round, black–brown, smooth, with longitudinal yellow–brown band, narrower than eye area. Fovea dark red, long, with several shapes resembling flowing water droplets beside fovea. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.10, PME 0.08, PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.02, AME–ALE 0.01, ALE–ALE 0.25, PME–PME 0.08, PME–PLE 0.04, PLE–PLE 0.36, ALE–PLE 0.07. EAW 0.50, CRW 0.70, EAW/CRW 0.71, CRW/CW 0.56. MOA 0.26 long, anterior width 0.23, posterior width 0.29. CH 0.13, CH/AME 1.30. Labium 0.15 long, 0.22 wide. Sternum 0.81 long, 0.77 wide. Abdomen dark brown, smooth, with medium–sized dorsal scutum, narrower than abdomen width and more than half length of abdomen. Several pale stripes vaguely visible on posterior of dorsal scutum. Transverse band of white hairs anterior to anal tubercle. Sternum yellow, without pattern. Labium and endites same color as sternum. Abdomen venter with slightly lighter color than sternum, with rows of transverse brown spots at middle part. Legs yellow. Palp: FA strongly raised, thumb–shaped. vTA round, with short and thin tip on ventral side of tibia; RTA medium in size, with broad base and thin tip, tip curved upward; rDTA long and large, with broad base and tip curved prolaterally. Sperm duct distinct, “6”–shaped. Tegulum oval, tegular apophysis absent. TS long, originating on ventral part of tegulum, located at base of embolus, with small apophysis directed towards anterior, extending retro–posterior of tegulum. Embolus base wide, tip flake–shaped and slightly curved. Conductor absent. Female (one paratype): total length 3.71, carapace 1.52 long, 1.25 wide; abdomen 2.19 long, 1.28 wide. Carapace nearly round, black, smooth, with longitudinal yellow–brown band, narrower than eye area. Fovea dark red, long, with several shapes resembling flowing water droplets beside fovea. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.10, PME 0.09, PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.02, AME–ALE 0.01, ALE–ALE 0.23, PME–PME 0.09, PME–PLE 0.04, PLE–PLE 0.33, ALE–PLE 0.06. EAW 0.47, CRW 0.79, EAW/CRW 0.59. CRW/CW 0.63. MOA 0.26 long, anterior width 0.22, posterior width 0.26. CH 0.10, CH/AME 1.00. Labium 0.16 long, 0.24 wide. Sternum 0.86 long, 0.81 wide. Abdomen blackish–gray, smooth, without dorsal scutum. Several light colored stripes vaguely visible on posterior of abdomen. Transverse band of white hairs anterior to anal tubercle. Sternum gray, with black margin. Labium and endites same color as sternum. Abdomen gray in ventral view. Legs yellow. Epigyne: Epigynal plate weakly sclerotized. Copulatory openings small, round, located at posterior of epigynal plate, far to each other. Copulatory ducts thin, “U”–shaped; connecting tube wider than copulatory ducts, “U”–shaped. Glandular appendages short, mastoid–shaped. Bursa long, oval, poorly sclerotized. Spermathecae small, round, close to each other. Fertilization ducts located on anterior margin of spermathecae.